21 ways to improve B2B lead-gen campaign conversion rates

As a marketer, one of your primary goals is to generate leads and convert them into customers. However, if your lead-gen campaigns aren't optimized for conversions, you may be missing out on valuable opportunities.

There are many tactics you can implement to improve your B2B landing page conversion rates. From targeting desktop traffic only to leveraging chatbots and optimizing your forms, every little change can make an impact.

Here are 21 proven strategies for improving B2B conversion rates and helping you create a better experience for your prospects.

1. Target desktop traffic only: Most B2B landing pages are designed for a desktop experience, and mobile traffic purchased through ads may not convert well.

2. Filter third-party emails: Require a corporate email address to sign-up and filter out emails from third-party services like Gmail or Yahoo to reduce low-quality leads.

3. Nurture your leads: You may reach the right people, but they might need more time before purchasing. Use email nurture campaigns to warm them up.

4. Conduct A/B tests: Use A/B split testing to determine if a different landing page design, copy, or promotion can increase your conversion rate.

5. Add friction: A longer sign-up form with added friction, such as requesting credit card details, may weed out unqualified sign-ups.

6. Test lots of ad creative: Experiment with creative messaging and use tracking tags to see which messages resonate the most with your audience. 

7. Increase lead volume: Rather than improving the conversion rates, consider expanding your reach to drive more into the top of the funnel.

8. Improve website speed and performance: Optimize your website for speed and performance to reduce bounce rates and increase conversions.

9. Personalize your messaging: Dynamically change landing page copy and images based on the user's industry or location to make it more relevant to them.

10. Add testimonials: Use customer testimonials, case studies, and social proof, such as awards and certifications, to build trust and credibility on your landing page.

11. Simplify the process: Reduce the steps needed to complete the form and avoid asking for too much information upfront.

12. Leverage chatbots: Use a chatbot on your website to engage with prospects in real-time and answer their queries.

13. Segment campaigns: Target specific messages to different groups that will hit on their pain points and motivate them to take action.

14. Clarify your value proposition: It should be easy for visitors to understand what you offer and how it can benefit them in order for them to take action.

15. Optimize your forms: Use autofill to pre-populate fields, and consider breaking up long forms into multiple steps to make them less overwhelming.

16. Use video: Use video to explain your product or service and showcase its benefits on the landing page to engage potential customers.

17. Use urgency and scarcity: Create a sense of urgency by offering limited-time promotions or emphasizing scarcity (e.g., "only a few spots left").

18. Test pricing: Try different pricing tiers, discounts, or payment plans to find the sweet spot that maximizes conversions.

19. Optimize your call to action: Test different variations of your CTA to see which one performs the best. Make sure it stands out and is prominently displayed.

20. Use clear and compelling headlines: Your headline is the first thing visitors will see. Use language that resonates with your target audience.

21. Use high-quality visuals: Include images and videos to help showcase your product or service. Visuals can help break up the text and make your page more engaging.


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